Remember the Flag Ceremony?

Although it has been years and even decades since last we were together in campus, as products of DWAD’s history, we still are connected. We are the silent network of alumni. Graduate pupils and students who once stood in line, to sing anthems and recite pledges of loyalty.

After Flag Raising Lecture

We once listened to the same lectures and words of inspiration meant to lay ground rules, guidelines to keep us in line with the ideals DWAD. Over time the routine became part of our tradition and implanted within us, a fraction of such ideals.

Reminiscent Past

For all the years that have come and gone, many are the alumni whom by now have lived an entire lifetime enriched with highlights that are of human interest value. We each have a different story, but what we have in common is our roots in DWAD.

Our Mentors

Our recollection shall always be inseparable from the faces of those who taught us. We may no longer recall their lectures or the exact words they said. But they did make an impression on how we viewed the world back then and perhaps even how we view the world today.

The Founding Fathers

Remember the ideals “wisdom, love and courage”. It is by these values that the founding SVD fathers dedicated their work in building DWAD. Under their wing, these ideals have now become part of us and manifests in one form or another in the day-to-day life that we live.

Now and the Future

Today we get to have the opportunity to once again be identified as graduates of DWAD. Register now and be part of this new database. Together we can become a secure network and empower the features ambitioned for this web based resource center for all the graduates of DWAD.

Memories always remembered

There is a wealth of value when we share our fond memories of DWAD; and better yet, when we choose to revive our ties with our Alma matter. Let our share of experiences be part of the known history of DWAD. It is one way of giving back.

Empower the Next Generation!

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